The virtual tour is a project of the squatters of the former Topf & Soehne area. The contents can be used for non-commercial purposes, but it should be stated where the resource is to be found. Please contact us, if you want to use the material for other purposes.
Besetztes Haus Erfurt
Rudolstaedterstraße 1
99096 Erfurt, Germany
Name: Mueller
Konto: 8794762008
BLZ: 76026000
Stichwort: "Rundgang"
Norisbank Erfurt
Guided tours around the Topf & Soehne industrial area
Sadfully we can't offer any guided tours around the former industrial area, because since December 2008 most parts of the area have been pulled down.
Please email to
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© 2002 | a project of the squatters of the former Topf & Soehne area |