NAVIGATION around the virtual tour of the Topf & Soehne industrial area
The tour leads through 9 stations, which each discuss one issue. Clicking on the navigation diagram in each case shows a window with further information about the station.
Station 1 : Topf & Soehne - production for the german mania for extermination (entrance of the industrial area) Station 2 : Contracts for Auschwitz (front side of administration building) Station 3 : Engineers in service of extermination (back side of administration building) Station 4 : Deutsche Reichsbahn (german state railway) - logistics of the Holocaust (shipping hall) Station 5 : Gustav Linse - elevators for Auschwitz Station 6 : The KPD (Communist Party of Germany) - a resistance group at Topf & Soehne Station 7 : Forced labour at Topf & Soehne (former barrack for the forced labourers) Station 8 : The knowledge of the "ordinary" employees about the extermination (production hall) Station 9 : The squat at the former Topf & Soehne area (former plumber's building)